Wednesday, October 13, 2010


"What's a puente?" I hear you eagerly asking. Well to sum it up quite simply, it's a holiday. 'Puente' in Spanish literally means 'bridge' but also has the meaning of a 'long weekend', consisting of a public holiday, the weekend and the day in between.

To explain this in more depth, picture this example. If there is a bank holiday on a Tuesday, the 'puente' means we don't have to work Mondays, as Monday acts as a 'bridge' or 'puente' between the weekend before and the Tuesday. Get it?

Well basically, in almost everywhere in Spain, if there is a holiday on the Tuesday, the Monday would be a 'puente'. Unfortunately, where I worked was not one of those places, and so I had to go in on Monday. Bad times!

But still, that Monday night, all the auxilliars in Valdepenas decided to go and get smasheddd. It was quite a decent night actually. We all got talking to spanish people in the bars, who were quite amazed at how good our Spanish was, and we generally had a good night.

This picture is our our group of all the Auxilliars in Valdepenas. There's a mix of people from England, Scotland and the USA.

The Spanish go out really late...if you go out around midnight, you'll be too early. The main action normally kicks off around 1am, and can last until around 7am. Maybe this is why a siesta is needed during the day?

The prices of drinks are quite expensive...5 Euros for a vodka with red bull...but the amount of vodka that they put in the glass can easily explain this price. Literally, half the glass (and it's a pretty big glass at that) was of vodka, then you get a can of red bull to use accordingly. I'll get a picture at somepoint to show you just how much they put in! Not that I'm complaining or anything...

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